Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Dirtday, Happy"

These are the sweet words Charlotte said to me this morning. Her daddy taught her how to say "Happy Birthday" and this is how it came out. It was so sweet and probably the most favorite thing about my birthday today. It made me cry.

Yes, I am 31 today. I wrote a long epistle last year about all the things I felt like I learned in my 30th year. I don't have as much to say this time around. I truly am unsure of where the year went. While it has been busy, it has been tough, and I feel like I have had to put some of the things I learned in my thirtieth year to practice - aren't things easy to say but much harder to live out.

I guess the biggest revelation for me today is that things aren't slowing down and there is no way to stop or slow down the birthday train. They just keep coming and without a thought to what is going on in my world.

I do realize I have SO much to be thankful for. When I think back to what I desired for myself ten years ago, I truly have been given the desires of my heart. Maybe not always in the package or timeframe that I want them, but I have them. I feel very blessed and know that God is everpresent in the ever running birthday train. :)

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