Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mommy's Bed

Trying to sing a song on Wonder Pets - getting every other word I might add

All snuggled up

Serious face - flaring the nostrils

I don't know about you, but when I was little there was just something special about my mother's bed. It was more fun to jump on, more fun to sleep in, and more fun to read books in. I LOVED getting in my parent's bed. If they had had a t.v. in their room I know it would have been more fun to watch t.v. in there.

Well, Charlotte has determined the same thing for herself. She loves to crawl up in my bed, especially at night and watch a little t.v. She always insists on getting comfy under my covers to watch her favorite shows. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree - Charlotte thinks her mommy's bed makes everything a little bit better as well.

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