Friday, July 17, 2009

Above the Clouds

First, let me just say, Honey, thanks for talking me into this. When Doug first mentioned whisking me off to the mountains for three days it sounded nice, but I was not too sure about leaving my little ones. I knew we needed it and I was reminded of my own mother's words telling me to make these times a priority. Man, was she right.

I have not been away from both of my children at all and let me just say, leaving them on Sunday was hard. I cried when I put both of them down for their naps knowing that they wouldn't wake up to my being there and I cried as I walked out to the car. My mother says that the pull is like a magnet. It is hard in the beginning and once pulled apart much easier to be away.Very True. Let's just say, I also cried on Wednesday morning when I had to come home. :)

Our little cabin "Above the Clouds" (what it is actually called) was a beautiful, quiet, very serene spot. Doug not only made a great choice - yes, he did all the research, booked the place and found all of the restaurants we went to (I know, I am impressed too). He made me feel very special. We mainly slept, read, I smocked while he watched t.v., We ate breakfast out on the porch looking at the views shown in the pictures above, and we sat for hours and just talked.

We had a whole laundry list of things that we needed to discuss and so many things that we didn't. It was just nice to have uninterupted conversation, great food, and a quiet spot to be alone. Needless to say I felt like we reconnected and recharged for the months ahead.

While this was a splurge for us, we discovered that it is much needed. I truly believe that my first priority - other than my relationship with God - is the relationship with my spouse. Our children come second. While that may seem weird to some folks, if Doug and I don't take care of us then we don't have us to give to our children - what they truly need most. So, thanks honey, for a wonderful time. I hope you know how dearly I love you!


Unknown said...

Way to go, Doug! You are the man. Good work. Alison, "I told you so.":) You two are the priority. Children are happier when Momma AND Daddy are happy. Glad you got to get away. Tell Doug thanks for taking such good care of my little girl. Love you much.

Amy said...

Thank you for all the posts! Beautiful pictures, too!