Our weekend was less than restful - especially for Doug. He had too much on his plate with his masters program and school work - not to mention responsibilities around the house. Sunday afternoon after the papers were completed, the naps were had, and the lawn was mown (by me I might add - the first time I have ever mown the lawn and it was with a push mower), we headed to our neighborhood's playground.
We are fortunate to have two playgrounds in our neighborhood and the one that is closest to our house barely ever has anyone there, so we wound up with the whole place to ourselves. The weather was absolutely gorgeous - as it has been all week - and the kids thoroughly enjoyed playing - Douglass Charles mainly watching.
Charlotte LOVES the swings and insisted every time that at least one of us swing along side her. Doug also finally got her to go down the slide. Once she realized how fun it was she did it over and over and over again. We spent the better part of an hour just playing and it was nice to have a little down time as a family after a not so leisurely weekend.
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