Monday, August 2, 2010

Man's Best Friend

or in Charlotte's case - girl's best friend. This poor animal is one of my very neglected puppies. We have two - Jemison (not pictured because he hasn't liked the kids since we brought Charlotte through the door and he was replaced) and Mo (the poodle you see here) - our little protector (or tolerator).

Both of the kids have really begun to admire, love, and care about our Mo. They would Jemison too if he would give them the chance. I don't blame him as Mo normally tolerates ear pulling, patting a little on the hard side, and squeezing just a little too tightly. Thankfully he is sweet and allows the kids to love on him.

Had to capture this moment with Charlotte. It was a rare occurrence of Mo actually being somewhat relaxed while being held by her. Glad that even if they aren't getting enough lovin from me, they are getting at least a little from my two kiddos.

1 comment:

Dana said...

so sweet! makes me wonder how our two pups will react when we bring our little one home. fingers crossed!