Monday, August 1, 2011

how does your garden grow

We now have an abundance of tomatoes and peppers. I have grown tomatoes for the past three years and my crops have yielded more fruit this year than ever. I learned a few tricks this year - like using Miracle Grow weekly - thanks to my friend Anna's dad - and that tomatoes and peppers like lots of room for their roots - thanks to my neighbor Angela and the random stranger at Home Depot. I found that the plants that have done the best were the ones that I planted in BIG paint buckets. Doug laughed at me when I brought them home and they are quite the eyesore, but the plants have LOVED them. Next year we are excited about planting a raised garden and trying a few more things. It has been so much fun and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it. And you may ask, "what are you doing with all those tomoatoes?" Check back tomorrow - you guessed it a recipe - one of the many ways I am using all this homegrown goodness. (Oh, and for all you who don't believe you can grow anything - I couldn't either three years ago. So there is hope. Seriously, before I started tomotoes I killed any plant I was given.)

1 comment:

Jan said...

Those are some yummy lookin' veggies!