Well, my last post was nothing in comparison to what we have gone through in the last week. Not eight days after Doug was rushed to the ER I was taken there by the same perimedic (quite funny if you think about it). Yes, my gallstones did a number on me and Monday afternoon I had my gallbladder removed. It all was a little scary and emotional. A large stone got stuck in my bile duct - causing the severe pain. They had to remove the gallbladder and infection had already set in. Unfortunately they were unable to remove the stone in the duct during surgery so I had to undergo another procedure on Tuesday to remove it. After a little bout with Pancretitis (spelling I am sure is wrong) I was able to come home Wednesday afternoon.
This was an answer to prayer as I had been asking the Lord what I needed to do. Thankfully family stepped in to help and we are on our way to getting back to some normalcy.
Currently Doug is having a procedure done this afternoon to rid him of one of his Kidney stones. Hopefully once this procedure is over with he will also be on the road to recovery.
I keep saying that Doug and I are too young to have all these health issues. Thankfully we live in a day where much can be done to correct these problems. Thank the Lord for modern medicine. Thanks, too, to all of you who have diligently prayed for us during this time. We have felt your prayers and deeply appreciate them.
Much love from a hopefully soon to be stone free family. :)