Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Project Bless Update

This is the last week of our little family project. We have managed to pretty much stick to schedule, and overall I think the kids have enjoyed baking our goodies and taking them to our recipients. They are both still a little young to grasp the concept, but I would like to try again next year and see if they "get it" a little more.

It has been fun to see the surprise on people's faces as we bring them our thankful gifts. Personally I have been going through some stuff, so accomplishing a thankful attitude was hard at times and needed. I guess that is what I love about looking to bless others. Usually when I am down, struggling, or just plain being selfish refocusing my attention on someone else just seems to redirect my attitude. Besides, I really can't be grateful enough for all the wonderful people and things in my life - and all those great individuals who serve me and don't know me personally.

I hope you were able to find a way to bless someone this month - whether with a note of thanks, words of kindness, collecting goods for the needy, or just baking some bread for a neighbor. I would love to hear you stories!

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