Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Sippi" Bound

Gearing up for the drive ahead

Charlotte stating "We're Here!"

Charlotte exploring at the family farm - my uncle and aunt have a beautiful home on a 200 acre farm that is my grandmother's.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the view my aunt gets to look at out of her kitchen window every day. I love the countryside!

"Sippi" was Charlotte's way of pronouncing the cumbersome name of the state in which I was born. We left out Friday morning, bound for Batesville, Mississippi, the childhood home of my father, the home of my grandmother and my uncle's family. I tried to remember how long it had been since I had been to my grandmother's and it has been far too long. Since my grandfather died, my grandmother has lived with either my parents or my uncle and his family and once my parents left Atmore I haven't had the opportunity to see her - much less visit Batesville.

So... her 90th birthday seemed reason enough to make the 6 hour trek with my kids by myself. Those of you that travel farther than that just chuckle to yourself and smile, but this was quite a challenge for me.

The kids did beautifully and I so enjoyed revisiting childhood memories with my cousins, attending my grandmother's church, and sharing my children with the special person my grandmother is.


Dana said...

So glad you had a good trip and got to celebrate your Grandma's 90th! My Gram turns 92 this year. Time flys!

Anonymous said...

Glad you survived the trip! Six hour is a looong trip by yourself with 2 kiddos. You are amazing!