Friday, January 25, 2008

Life Adventures

I started this post last night and didn't get around to finishing it. Much has happened since my quiet evening. Doug woke up with severe pain this morning and we had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Turns out he has kidney stones - two in fact - one in each kidney. We are gearing up for great fun as he tries to pass the stones here at home. Thank the Lord for friends and neighbors who were all willing to help out. Charlotte went to stay with Micah - her little boyfriend for a few hours while I tended to her Daddy - thanks Stephanie and Mick for your help. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it.
On top of this misfortune, my father was admitted to the hospital earlier this week with blood clots in his lungs. This is the second time this has happened and as always scared all of us.
If there is anything I have learned from all the family ailments it is that life is precious and we take it too much for granted. The sweet picture above makes me realize what in life is important - family, friends and our gracious God. So next time you kiss your honey goodbye or tuck your little ones in at night just remember to linger a little longer. Our time together is so precious. Lets not waste it. :)
Love to you all!!!

1 comment:

stephanie said...

anytime. glad ya'll are doing better. we loved having charlotte and I love that sweet picture of her!