
Monday, April 18, 2011

a confession

I must confess that I have been feeling a bit down lately about my business. I really shouldn't be. I did my taxes for last year and I actually made money (the first year I have made a profit, YEAH!) and my little promotion last week was awesome, but in all reality, I feel discouraged. I have so many creative ideas, places I want to go, designs still in my head wanting to make their way onto my computer screen. I want a true bonofied website, more fun products, photographs that capture the true essence of my creations. But... I'm just not there.

I guess it is good to dream, right? To want more for myself, my business, my "brand." Sometimes I feel stuck in a rut, I feel like my line is a little lifeless right now, a little lost, a little without direction. I have ideas of how to fix this, how to make it better, but they all require time. Time that I really don't have.

I get frustrated with the pull that I have to be wife, mother, friend, and business person. Right now it seems that the business side of things has to take a backseat. Let's face it, my two little ones are home with me all day everyday and it just isn't worth it to me to have them watching television - or something of that nature - while mommy tries to build this little creative business of mine.

So I am thinking about simplifying, being a little less all over the place, and find a true direction - and sticking with it. It is time to clean "shop" so to speak, discover what my customers are truly looking for, really do what I love, and find a balance that works for me and my family. And the biggest thing, realize that sometimes God's timing is better than mine and the dreams I have for myself may come true, just not today.

1 comment:

  1. Alison, I think this post is perfect just as you are in God's eyes! Your designs are wonderful, but this is just a season...a season I'm faced with every morning I wake up and every night I go to bed (this typed as my 2 1/2year old is unwrapping a roll of rollaids he found in his daddy's bedside drawer!) The time will come (when kids are in school during the day) that you will have a lot more "free" time to create. Same for me! I was just talking to Aaron the other night about starting my own line since so many of our ideas are so different and personal! Don't stop creating, just hold off on selling those creations. I've been trying to simplify a lot lately and it's hard, but certainly helps! I love the new bumblebee! Don't cut him! He's too cute! Keep your signature Noah's animals, and all your originals. Maybe just hold off on putting any more options out there. Your photos are great! I don't think they need to be any different, and the website will come. If you need help with it, I'm more than happy to oblige (in my "free" time! Ha, ha!) Love you girl! Hang in there! This season will come and go before we know it and then we'll both be in tears wishing it weren't over! :)
